G&D Campus - Training

Operate KVM systems with confidence. We offer various training modules, depending on your level of knowledge, to help you understand your KVM system and essential technical content inside out. Don’t hesitate to contact us and find out which training module best suits you and your application.

People attending a KVM training

KVM training - remote or on-site at G&D

Regardless whether the focus is on technical specifications or functions and features of individual products, our training courses enable you to carry out basic configuration and system maintenance yourself. The aim is to provide you with independence so that you don’t need to rely on us when it comes to technical matters. We also tailor our training courses to your needs. We therefore conduct our training courses both remotely and at the G&D North America headquarters in Houston. 

Operate KVM systems with confidence
Custom training for users, technicians, and partners
Carry out basic configurations yourself
Our modular training system allows us to find the right training for you – become an expert, too!
In-depth understanding of our products
High degree of individualization due to many submodules
AVIXA accredited training
Earn Continuing Education Renewal Units (RUs) to further your professional development

Register for the G&D Certified Systems Professional Course

The G&D Certified Systems Professional certification program includes an introductory online overview of our technology and products, followed by hands-on lab training at our Houston KVM Training Academy. This training is designed to help participants develop a comprehensive understanding of high-performance KVM systems, moving from foundational concepts to real-world application. Secure your place today. 

Register now

Course Content

This 12-module online course is a pre-requisite for the instructor-led, hands-on training in Houston, Texas. It familiarizes participants with G&D technologies, including their features, benefits and terminology, and provides a comprehensive foundation for effective use of G&D solutions. By completing these modules, participants will gain essential knowledge of G&D's product lines, interfaces and capabilities, enabling them to maximize the value of the hands-on training. This preparation course ensures that participants are well versed in the core concepts and ready to deepen their skills during the training in Houston.

The Company History and Technology Innovations

Exploring the KVM Switch Product Line and Features

Understanding the TradeSwitch Product Line and Features

Overview of the Classic KVM Extender Product Line

Exploring the KVM-over-IP Extender Product Line

Mastering the OSD Interface for KVM Systems

Navigating the Config Panel 21 for KVM System Management

Introduction to the Classic KVM Matrix – Part 1

Advanced Features and Configuration of the Classic KVM Matrix – Part 2

Exploring the KVM-over-IP Matrix and Key Differences from the Classic Matrix

Understanding the RemoteAccess-Gate and RemoteAccess-Workplace

Exploring the PersonalWorkplace-Controller Product Line

Additional G&D Advanced Training Courses and Certifications

Upon completion of the 12-module course, students are eligible to attend the 3-day hands-on lab training at our KVM Training Academy in Houston. This training is designed to help participants develop a comprehensive understanding of high-performance KVM systems, moving from basic concepts to real-world applications.

Certified Systems Professional – Video (CSP-V)

Certified Systems Professional – Remote Access Specialist (CSP-R)

Certified Systems Professional – Secure (CSP-S)

"In-depth knowledge with practical techniques  form the foundation of the training experience I deliver, helping participants address the specific demands of mission-critical and control room environments."
Ed Krach
Director of Customer Education

G&D Contact

The best way to talk about complex topics is in person. Via chat, e-mail, phone or in a personal demo


remote or on-site.

Guntermann & Drunck GmbH

Obere Leimbach 9
57074 Siegen


G&D North America Inc.

4540 Kendrick Plaza Drive
Suite 100
Houston, Texas 77032


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